Monday, May 28, 2007

For The Soldiers

In honor of Memorial Day, I want to post this poem I wrote for the soldiers of the Iraq war.


Bombs shells bursting, you dream of home,
Surrounded by fellow soldiers yet you still feel alone.

Doing your duty, doing what you think is right,
You would die in battle, to win this fight.

Though death surrounds you, you fight with honor,
For freedom and justice for all is your honor.

Friends and family in your heart and mind,
Your strength and courage for them you always find.

I may or may not believe in this war you fight,
But I'll still stand by you, so for the soldiers
in the Iraq war this poem I write.

And that says it all.

Friday, May 25, 2007

I Love My Mommy

I saved the best love for last. My mother is the greatest mother on the earth. That’s the most commonly made statement ever. Most every person on the planet feels that way about their mother. The love we have for our mothers is the greatest love of all.

Let me talk about my mother. My mother wasn’t a well-educated woman, she dropped out of school when got pregnant with me. For the most part she raised four of use on her own until she met and married my youngest brother and sister’s father. During my teen years and early twenties, my mother and I went through some rough patches. You know how it is when you reach adolescence and think you know more than your parents do.

When I was of age and went out on my own, despite our differences, my mother would always let me come back whenever I fell on my face and I fell a lot. As I got older I came to realize and appreciate the struggle my mother went through, especial with us older siblings. We didn’t have much, but mom made sure we had what we needed. Even now her house has a revolving door where any of us can go and live if we need to.

Mom has given a lot to me to help me through this life. She’s taught me to care and respect people. Even today in my 50s I give older people respect. She’s given me help when I needed it. But most of all she’s given me life itself.

For the things she’s done for me I thank her and give her my ever lasting love. And that says it all.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Girlfriend Love

Last week I did a post titled “Men are from Mars Women are from God Knows Where”, where I complained a little about my girlfriend being unreasonable. Well, be that as it may, I must say that over all she is really good to me.

She is a good-hearted lady that would give me her last dime if I needed and she has proved it a few times. She will do whatever she can to help me achieve my goals even though she has goals of her own. Her main goal is for she and I to work on projects together to make our living. She’s smart in a sense that will research a subject and find out what is the best way to approach it, where as I will just jump into something and learn as I go. So I need that balance that she brings to the table.
Yeah, she can be unreasonable, emotional, insecure and downright nerve racking. But when I look at the whole person, her goodness over shadows all those things. Sure there’s going to be and has been times when I think I don’t want to be in this relationship. But then I come to my senses and realize I’m not going to find anyone that’s as good for me as she is. Hell, I don’t know what she sees in me. And that says it all.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I Hate Opera, But I Love Oprah

I know, I know fellas, how can a guy love Oprah? Isn’t Oprah’s show mainly for women? Yes, it is, but I didn’t say I loved the show. Although I do watch the show from time to time, I think it’s to sappy, star oriented and girly most of the time. No, I love Oprah the person. Once again here is a woman that’s sensible and logical. I have seen her deal with issues in a very logical manor. Although she may have some emotional feelings about that issue, she still handles it with reason, by asking sensible questions and adding logical comments. Even when Oprah’s show first started and she wore her emotions more on the outside, I must say she still handled her topics with logic and reason.

Oprah is an inspiration not only to blacks and women, but to all people all over the world. Here is a person that not only grew up poor, but was also sexually abused. She over came many obstacles to become one of the most respected, well like and powerful people in America. I mean anytime you can make other people rich just by having them on your show, that’s power.

Unlike yesterday’s love, Judge Judy, Oprah is very kind to the people on her show, even though she may dislike them immensely. In fact, she is a very kind, giving, and caring person period. She has given lots of her time and money to help people in Africa have food, a roof over their heads and an education. She’s helped people to better their lives and has given people the joy of helping people. She is one of the richest people in the US and a person that people listen to and follow her advice. Yet, she is still humble and down to earth.

I may not care too much for the Oprah Winfrey show, but I do love Oprah Winfrey the person. I would love to have her as a friend and just sit around, talk with her and debate about different issues. And that says it all.

Monday, May 21, 2007

I Love Judy

That’s right “I love Judy”, Judge Judy that is. Judge Judy in my opinion is the best Judge show on TV. This is the of this weeks posts on the women I love.

Judge Judy is opinionated, logical, smart, very fair and very mean. She can figure out a person with just a few questions and even though that person may try to get around a question, Judge Judy knocks them right back on it and sticks them there like glue until they answer it.

Judge Judy is mean and very rude to the combatants, but she is fair about it because she’s mean to both sides. If you’ve done or say something stupid she will call you stupid. She gets to do what I wish I could out here in the real world and that is, say exactly what’s on her mind. She can call an idiot an idiot, a lazy bum a lazy bum, or a coward a coward. I don’t understand why people would go on the show and humiliate them knowing that they did something wrong and how Judge Judy is. Do they think they can fool her? Some times Judge Judy will be winning a case for a person without them saying a word, but that person feels they just have to say something. Judge Judy will often reply with “Does it look like I need your help”, which means shut up, you’re winning.

What I like most about Judge Judy is her logic. The logical progression she goes through by asking each person questions and weeding out the lies and coming to a reasonable and fair conclusion to the case. She is very clear and precise with her verdict.

Out of all the Judge shows on TV and there are plenty, Judge Judy rules. That says it all.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Would You Like Some Pot With Your Happy Meal

Have you read about this idiot in Ottawa, Illinois who left his weed, lighter and a pipe in a Happy Meal box. Well, as it turns out an 8-year-old little girl finds this stuff along with her Shriek toy, in her Happy Meal. It seems the little girl was somewhat delighted at the find. Not because she wanted to get high with her friends later, but because she thought she had gotten some extra prizes in the Happy Meal. This wasn’t a marijuana cigarette, this was a bag of weed. The parents of the little girl went immediately to the police.

The police was able to determine that the marijuana and drug paraphernalia belong to a 17-year-old employee of the McDonalds the parents had gotten the Happy Meal from. This dummy confesses that he had come to work and forgot he had his marijuana and pipe in his pocket, so he decided to hide the bag of weed, the lighter and the pipe in a Happy Meal box until he could get it at the end of his shift. Unfortunately for him he left the box where another employee could get it and put the child's food and toy in it. The employee never noticed the drug items in it.

Needless to say the 17-year-old was fired and is now facing charges of possession of marijuana and of drug paraphernalia.

The thing is, it seems to me that people just don’t think things out now a days. First of all at 17 this kid should be smoking pot or doings drugs anyway. It’s apparent he isn’t a bright kid, so he should be concentrating a lot on his schoolwork. Second, why would you put your illegal items in a place and in something that is accessible to other people? It doesn’t make since. Leave it in a box outside under the thrash container or under a bush, not inside where anybody can get at it.

Like I said the kid shouldn’t have had the stuff in the first place. But if you’re going to have it, be smart enough not to get caught with it. That says it all.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Should Paris Hilton go to Jail? Hell Yell!

Paris Hilton is pleading with her fans to help keep her out of jail. She even has an online petition she’s asking them to sign. This petition is to be sent to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, asking him to pardon Paris. Here is some of what this petition says, "The American public who support Paris are shocked, dismayed and appalled by how Paris has been the person to be used as an example that drunk driving is wrong. She provides hope for young people all over the US and the world. She provides beauty and excitement to (most of) our otherwise mundane lives”. What the hell is that? Hey, let’s pardon serial killers, they provide excitement and mystery to our lives. Who will they kill next? Will they ever be caught? Woooo!

She provides beauty and excitement to our otherwise mundane lives, how stupid is that? Here’s another stupid quote from the petition, “we undeniably support Paris Hilton being pardoned for her honest mistake”. Yeah, let’s pardon her, it was an honest mistake. Oh, and by the way can I not get that ticket for doing 80mph in a 55mph speed zone, not wearing my seatbelt and not having insurance, it’s all an honest mistake. Paris was caught driving dunk and given probation, which she violated by driving under suspension so she should get want anybody else would get.

I believe everyone should be treated the same no matter how rich, famous or pretty they are. So Paris brings excitement into some mundane lives. I say get a life of your own. As a regular Joe, I can’t get people to sign a petition to keep me out of jail for a law violation, serious or minor and drunk driving is a very serious matter.

I don’t think Paris Hilton should be made an example of, I think her treatment should be the rule for everyone. That says it all.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Men are from Mars Women are from God knows where

I was going to start posting to this blog yesterday. My first post (beside the introduction) was going to be about the Paris Hilton jail thing. But yesterday my girlfriend and I had a big blow out, which is what prompted this post.

God knows that I don’t want to alienate women from this blog, but I have to ask ladies, what the hell? Way is it that men and women can look at the same situation and see it in completely different ways? Way is it that when men say something, women take it completely different from the way it was meant? Well, I believe it’s because of the psychological way both sexes look at things.

Men tend to look at things from a logical point of view and women look at things from an emotional point of view. Example, yesterday my girlfriend brings up a problem that we have in our relationship and a question was asked, by her, how could we solve it? So I gave what I thought would be a solution, she disagreed, which was okay. I then asked what she thought would be a solution? She said she didn’t know, again that’s okay. Now I’m thinking we’ll both think about and come up with something we can agree on. She then starts talking about how she’s feeling and what would happen to the relationship if this problem wasn’t resolved. So now I’m thinking “huh”, that doesn’t have anything to do with solving the problem, that’s adding more to it. I then made the mistake of asking why she was talking about that, to which she replied, because that’s how she was feeling and that those things would happen. Well, I already knew that, but I thought we were talking about how to prevent those things. As the conversation went on it turned into the things that I was doing wrong and how I was the blame for the problem. I ended up saying a few choice words at the top of my voice and storming off.

This to me is a typical example of the way men and women look at situations differently. In my example, I was trying to find a logical solution to the problem, where as my girlfriend wanted to express her feelings and how the problem affected her, even though she asked a question.

It is very frustrating on both parts to be in a conversation where the man is trying to reason with logic and he keeps getting talk about feelings and the woman is trying to invoke an emotional response from a man and getting nothing but facts.

Well, the fact is we need both logic and emotions, so we need to find a way for both to live side by side without clashing. And that says it all.

Friday, May 11, 2007


This is my brand new blog. Unlike my “Mikes Money Making Rants & Raves” or my “My Quest to Make a Living as an Artist” blogs, this blog won’t focus on just one area, it will be about anything and everything I think of. I have a lot of things on my mind and this is where I plan to spill it all out.

I am a very opinionated person I have views on just about everything. I am also a very logical and knowledgeable person whose friends are always looking to for advice. I have been the go to man for everything from relationship advice to computer problems. So in a nutshell on this blog I will be giving my opinion on politics, celebrities, businesses, TV shows, movies and more, plus I will hopefully be giving some helpful advice that will help people in their everyday lives. You may even see some of my creative side. I am an artist, a writer and a musician. I just might give you a taste of some of that.

My hope is that people find value in this blog and come back regularly. That says it all.